“Login-M” –

разработка и интеграция комплексных электротехнических решений, подбор и логистика оборудования, проектирование и управление строительством, консалтинг. Является частью акционерной группы компаний наряду с «Электротехническая компания Эко свет», «Эко Свет Нева», «Лампа.ру»

О компании

Our story goes back to 2004, when we were a small firm selling light-emissive devices. Expanding, we have become a company that implements the most large-scale construction facilities together with our customers and partners.

In 2018 we decided to combine the best experience of 14 years of work, as a part of Eco Light and LAMPA.RU companies, under the new Login-M brand.

Today Login-M successfully participates in the implementation of more than 500 engineering solutions per year in more than 20 different industries in Russia and near abroads.

Our goal is the ultimate using of leading-edge technologies while solving customers’ problems.

We constantly deepen ourselves into our clients’ issues, accumulating invaluable experience of effective engineering solutions. Each new task at a construction site is a challenge for our specialists in finding the most fit solution.

The result for us is:

  • Improving the efficiency and adaptability of construction;

  • Increasing of reputation and business success indicators of clients;

  • Reducing the risks in construction, as in one of the most difficult areas.

The corner stone of our success is a team of professionals, which has grown from 20 to 150 people during this time. We are growing rapidly, recruiting employees for the particular values of the company; we systematically work on the development of the whole team’s professionalism — from manager to the top management. The requirements to on our specialists are significantly higher than in the market average.

In a transforming business environment, considering the uniqueness of each request of our customers, we consciously increase the ability to provide interrelated services in the following areas:

  • Selecting and logistics of equipment;

  • Solutions development and implementation;

  • Design and construction management;

  • Consulting.

A complex approach helps our specialists to find the solution most effectively, having thoroughly explored all the complexities of the problem.